In 95 seconds
The New landing page that clearly communicates the new, evolved Citrix story to business leaders, technology decision makers, end users, and consumers alike. The site serves as a bridge from the existing, aspirational advertising campaign to Citrix’s goals, products, and vision.
Branded campaign with the focus to drive IT and Business decision makers to the revised

In 95 seconds
The New landing page that clearly communicates the new, evolved Citrix story to business leaders, technology decision makers, end users, and consumers alike. The site serves as a bridge from the existing, aspirational advertising campaign to Citrix’s goals, products, and vision.


It is now evident that intellectual life is one long process of abstractions, generalizations, and assumptions — the three things are so many aspects of one whole activity.
It is now evident that intellectual life is one long process of abstractions, generalizations, and assumptions — the three things are so many aspects of one whole activity.